Conference Packages
Corporate Room Hire Rates & Packages
Room hire rates are based on a minimum booking of 30 guests taking one of our catering packages and are inclusive of serving staff and white linen tablecloths. Our Data Projector, Screen, flip chart and microphone are also included within the hire rates. (Please note you will need to provide your own Laptop and connecting HDMI leads when using our projector).
All prices are Inclusive of VAT at the current rate.
Monday to Thursday 4 Hours £475 (£80 per hour thereafter)
Special rates apply for Fridays & Saturdays, please ask for details. If your function requires little or no catering, please add £55 per hour to the hire charge.
Package 1 £14.50
Tea & Coffee served on arrival, mid-morning, with lunch & mid afternoon
Standard Sandwich Platter with Crisps
Orange Juice served with lunch
Package 2 £15.95
Tea & Coffee, Danish pastry, Bacon Baguette & Orange Juice served on arrival
Tea & Coffee served mid-morning
Package 3 £18.50
Tea & Coffee served on arrival, mid-morning, with lunch & mid afternoon
Hot and Cold Finger Buffet
Assorted Sandwiches
Sausage Rolls
Mini Vegetable Spring Rolls
Mini battered chicken fillets with BBQ sauce
Seasoned potato wedges
Crudités with Dips
Orange Juice served with lunch
Package 4 £32.95
Tea, Coffee & Biscuits served on arrival, mid-morning, with lunch & mid afternoon
Fork and Finger Buffet
Roast Beef, Turkey & Ham Platter
Dressed Side of Salmon
Hot new buttered Potatoes (v)
Assorted Quiche
Homemade Crunchy Coleslaw (v)
Mixed leaf salad (v)
Tomato & Red Onion Salad (v)
Homemade Pasta Salad
Crusty French Stick with Butter Portions (v)
Orange Juice served with lunch
Additional Extras:
Additional Servings of Tea/Coffee - £2.20 per person.
Tea/coffee & biscuits - £2.75 per person.
Large Fruit Platter - £39.95 (Serves 25 People)
Mini Danish Pastry Selection - £2.15 per person
Large Cheeseboard - £75.00
Large Victoria Sponge - £45.00
Large Farmhouse Fruit Cake - £48.00
Large Lemon Drizzle Cake - £42.00
Jugs orange Juice - £10.50
If you would like to mix and match your catering or design your own package, please speak to our Event Manager.